I'm so happy to announce that after working with the great folks at and some prayer alongside some crossed fingers, my debut EP, "First Draft," is on iTunes! Frankly, I was very surprised that the process was as smooth as it was for me. Kudos to Tunecore for really coming through for independent artists. I know there are folks out there who, like me, are religious about using iTunes as their music purchase site and will not download from anywhere else. While I'm not THAT anal about it, now all you people who are have to at least check out the store! I hope that what you hear will bring you to click that "Buy Album" button :-) .
If you'd like to hear a full HD-quality preview of the EP, it is always available at
SO...if you wanna get that iTunes EP poppin RIGHT NOW, simply click the conveniently created icon below this text. Whether or not you've purchased, make sure to rate the music on the iTunes store, as well as comment on the music so we can get the buzz factor up. You Pals have been more than awesome about taking the initiative to spread the word about the "First Draft" movement. All that love you show me I send right back to you 1,000 times over! Take care, until next time...
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