From the blog of Charlamagne Tha God (Edited by PMG):
If Jesus were around today he would have been a radio personality/DJ. I want you to understand exactly what I just said so I will repeat it again. Jesus would have been a radio personality/DJ.
How did I come to this conclusion? Well, Jesus was a public servant. He is an example of a man who truly came to serve. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan says, “We should not want public office or positions of power so that we can become big shots. We should want public office and positions of power so that we can serve.”
Jesus himself said, “He who would be great among you, let him be your servant....”
...Let’s be clear, we all know the radio personality/DJ game is a thankless business. The hours are long and the money is short. Most of us probably wouldn’t be doing it if we didn’t have a genuine love for what we do....
Think about the headaches you go through when dealing with program directors who don’t even live the lifestyle....
I ask Mass Communication majors all the time, “Are you getting involved with radio because you have a genuine love for the game?” “Do you want to be involved because you have a genuine need or desire to make the lives of others better?” If not, then I would strongly suggest another profession; something that does not have you directly affecting the lives of the people that hear you on a daily basis.
I know there are some radio personality/DJs out there right now saying, “Man Charlamagne sit your ass down somewhere, I’m just here to collect my little piece of a paycheck and keep it moving.” Well, my friend, that is why your ratings suck....That is why you can’t get any more than $200 to spin at a party and that is why the streets of the city you are in don’t f**k with you...because you have not embraced the...position that God has put you in, the position of public servant.
A lot of times we get caught up in our own hype and we stop serving the needs of the people...DJs play what they want to hear or what they’re feeling instead of really checking the pulse of the city and seeing what the people want to hear. I know DJs that won’t play local records that are smash hits...because the artist hasn’t [supported them].
Message to those DJs: Your purpose in life will only be found in service to others and in being connected to something far greater than your...ego. And you wonder why local artist want to fight [you] now. It’s called karma...
...when these DJs don’t play the records because they can’t swallow their...pride to serve the needs of the people what does that listener do? They switch stations. That listener goes somewhere where their needs can be served.Law 20 in the 48 Laws of Power - “Do not commit to anyone, it is the fool who always rushes to take sides. Do not commit to any side or cause but yourself.” If you are a truly a public servant committing to yourself or your cause is not a problem...
...Malcolm X was a public servant and so was Martin Luther King Jr. You [rarely] saw them [publicly insulting] each other even though they didn’t agree with each other’s approaches...Because...they were fighting for the same cause...a cause we are still fighting for today. Instead of throwing shots at each other and fighting for positions in the ratings, radio stations should be coming together and devising ways to make the city you are in the best city it can possibly be....
...I encourage all radio personalities/DJs to get on your job. The people in the city you are in need you...You have the power to change lives. There is a reason they call it radio programming...
...You can single handedly change someone’s life by simply playing a record enough times!
“What would Jesus do if he was a jock?” The answer...lies in service to the public.
Charlamange tha God
Full article is HERE
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