Because I spend so much time at the computer - I love my Mac, PS...LOL - I am constantly clicking into the world of entertainment media news & blogs. Truthfully, I'm not a fan of gossip when it delves outside the realm of the music or business aspects of the industry. But who wasn't freaking out when it leaked that Beyonce & Gaga would be working together? I most certainly was, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. By the way, their final cut for the "Video Phone" remix is out as of this week, so make sure to check it out. It's alot of fun, and they look great together.
Still, with all of this "Fast-food style" information (as the phrased was so aptly coined recently) I wonder about the fate of our music veterans who are used to periodic inquiries into their lives & work, who now have to deal with constant questioning and exposure thanks to sites like TMZ, Concrete Loop, Facebook, & Twitter. There was a time when stars like Whitney, Luther, and Prince could at least try and seclude themselves from the prying eyes & ears of the media so as to perpetuate some small modicum of privacy. These days, if you're a hot item, consider it lucky if you don't have photographers hiding in the bushes of your compound. To be honest, it's all kind of deplorable, how we - myself included - have accepted this kind of spoon-feeding of information without respect for the lives into whom we spy. But, it is what it is.
My question comes down to this: How do the stars of yesteryear deal with this relatively new form of public accessibility without either going over the top or being too internal? It may stand to reason that if it ain't broke, don't fix it; if the semi-private world of an artist is what the fans are used to, why change? But that's still a 50/50 shot. We've seen that with certain stars, not being in touch with the fans and basing a release off historic reputation doesn't cut it anymore. But we've also seen that it CAN work if the cards fall the right way (e.g. Whitney Houston, "I Look To You"). So it's really a toss up - possibly the biggest toss up of a living legend's career. I certainly don't have an answer for them, but I do wish them all the love & success they deserve.
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