It's funny how last year, I was a Twitter boycotter, and now I'm using several different applications and programs to manage my tweet campaign. For me, this micro-blogging miracle has become one of my strongest tools to promote, educate, and give fans or colleagues a chance to glimpse into the world that is P. Murray. Of course, allowing such a transparent method of communication to spearhead my artistic campaign has it's dark side - you never know what kind of crazy folks are watching you. Still, I decided to take that risk and never look back.
With that said, I find it so interesting how people can act on Twitter. In the post-modern info age, we've learned, almost subconsciously, how to funnel our feelings into short messages and blogs, so as to try and accurately portray ourselves. Most times that portrayal is an honest one. But with sites like Twitter, you find that alot of folks (particularly music folk) have made the decision to use the platform as an opportunity to go "Hollywood' on us; that is, Tweet things about themselves or their situations that are partially or entirely untrue. What people who do this tend to forget is that the business is only but so big, therefore your bearing false witness about your daily biz will more than likely be turned out in the end if you keep pushing the facade. Just sayin.'
In addition, I've seen how fellow music tweeters decide that once they have a few key celebrity followers, their entire 'Twittatude' does an abrupt 180'. Suddenly the brazen, no-holds-barred artist you saw tweeting before is a demure, Christianized performer who loves everyone and has issues with no one. Now the person who was once so communicative with their fans only replies to people that are 'in their circle' or on the same rung of networking they are. It can be a bit nauseating. Usually I end up unfollowing those folks.
I believe that the key to the success of any aspiring artist that is independent is some level of honesty and transparency. Changing your whole style up because your positive now that 'important people' are keeping an eye on you is just making you look like a butt-kisser. It may be that those same important folks were watching you from the sidelines and you didn't know; playing to their appeasement is only a way to make you look more desperate. I decided that, while I have made the choice to be far more aware of what I write, I'm still the same P. Murray that opened up his public Twitter account, and that is the P. Murray I want everyone to know (including Brandy, Dru Hill, Swizz Beat, Kevin "A&R" Shine, and Steff Nasty - those are just a few of the folks who are part of my follower group).
Bottom line? Do you and be you. it's the best thing you can possibly do or be ;-).
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